Seeds I have to trade

Ipomoea purpurea "Akahigezaki Hige" Japanese MG  (4 seeds)
Agastache – Anise Hyssop
Balloon Flower (Platycodon)
Bee balm - pink
Black-eyed-susan (Rudbeckia hirta)
Broom Corn
Canna - red
Castor Bean – red leaf
Celosia argentea (plumosa)
Celosia spicato (flamingo feathers) (1 trade)
Coreopsis "Sunbeam"
Cypress vine - red(5 seeds)white (5 seeds)
Hibiscus – hardy red
Hollyhock - black
Hollyhock Mallow - pink (few)
Hosta - Large blue
Hyacinth Bean - purple
Liatris - purple
Mandarin plant (Chlorophytum orchidantheroides) (houseplant)
Morning glory – pink & purple mix
Obediant Plant - pink
Petunia - Raspberry Blast
Purple coneflower
Rose campion
Sea Oats
Sunflowers - tall
Sunflower 'pastiche' (10 seeds)
Sunflower 'pan' helicanthus debilis (10 seeds)
Yellow toadflax (can be invasive)

Black Russian tomato
Boxcar Willie tomato
Golden Jubilee tomato
Moby Grape tomato
Pineapple tomato
Purple Calabash tomato
Roma tomato
White Wonder tomato
Yellow Pear (small) tomato
Jalapeno hot peppers
Kentucky Wonder Bean
Mini Ornamental corn
Cinnamon basil (1 trade)


Heirloom Tomatoes from the Garden

These are some of the Heirloom Tomatoes I grew this year.  Some of the names are Purple Calabash, Black Russian, White Wonder, Yellow Pear and Pineapple.  They all have a unique taste and color.  The little sunflowers are called Teddy Bear and only grow about a foot high.  You can see there size compared to the regular sunflowers.