In the Greenhouse

Below are a few pictures of the seedlings growing in my greenhouse.

These are plants I am looking to add to my collection or start by seed.

·         Echinacea Razzmatazz

·         Asarina

·         Actinotus helianthi (Flannel flower)

·         Alstroemeria

·         Chinese Foxglove (Rehmannia)

·         Diascia (Twinspur)

·         Dwarf Cleome

·         Gerber daisy

·         Inula orientalis

·         Mesembryanthemum

·         Nemesia 'Shooting Stars'

·         Rodgersia pinnata

·         Tanacetum

·         'Zulu prince' cape daisy

·         Dusty miller 'silver feather'

·         Anything for a cottage garden, especially purple & pinks

·         Anything varigated

·         Anything with gray or maroon foliage

·         Ornamental grasses

·         Dried flowers

·         Different types of Lavender

·         Different types of sunflowers

·         Gourds

·         Vines, perennial and annual

·         Sweet peas

·         Gloriosa (Glory lily)

·         Mina lobata

·         Kale & Ornamental Cabbage

·         Anything Heirloom

·         Heirloom tomatoes & vegetables

·         Varigated & Red Leaf Cannas